Get Approved By Publisher; Make The Editor Love Your Script

Traditional publishing and self-publishing have been a controversial topic in the writing bussiness world. If traditional publishing is a strange term, let me explain, it`s simply when you submit your script to a major publisher, and handing in the proccess like editing, printing, and distributing, to the publishing house. You only write, submit, wait for approval, and enjoy some royalties.

Yet I`m on a mindset that not one of them is right or wrong. I have tried both of these methods. But in this occassion, I`m not going to talk about my opinion about them. Well, we`re going to talk about traditional publishing, though. But it`s not about the controversial stuff or something. As I traditonally published my books, I want to share some tips, for those who opt to traditionally publish their works. And now it`s about how to be happy welcoming some approval letters for your submission. 

Being approved by a major publisher is easy and hard in the same time. It can be said mysterious. Because even some good scripts don`t get approved and published. When you`re into the bussiness, content quality is not the only one. I mean, you have to keep it in a prime quality. But there are things to notice. And it`s time to mention them. Let`s get started!

1) Aim your shot on the right spot
It`s like shooting. If you wanna be successful, make the most precise aim. Some major publishers publish books in all types and genres. And the rests merely publish particular genres. It`s where you need to know yourself. What are you writing about? Is it a historical fiction? Conspiracy? Teenlit? Parenting or else? Find the most publisher fits your genre and topic.

2) Read the submission guidelines
Some editors accept even when you don`t 100% follow the guidelines. Doesn`t mean you may always write as long as you want, or even writing some different themes. Sometimes you can`t also use a few font styles like Comic Sans and break the other rules. It all depends on the publisher. Some writers get approved without following all the guidelines because they`re already an influental person and editor will approve everything they want to publish. But avoid placing yourself in the same spot with them. You better follow the guidelines to open a bigger opportunity of getting published.

3) Learn the mind of editors
In the initial pages of a book, you can read a list where the editor`s name written down. A publisher don`t usually hire too many editors for a single genre. Read a book with the same genre as you write, and find out why editor loves the script and decided to publish it. There are so many factors. Writing style, trend, its influence to the market, and else. You can`t understand completely about the taste of editors. But at least you`ll know what you`ll suppose to write, to make your script be likeable and fit for the publisher you`re submitting to.

4) Be yourself; be original and unique
You`ll follow some factors which make editor likes your script. Anyway, keep it original and unique. Like I wrote in the previous post: leave your soul on every word, sentence and page and make it alive. Who knows? Perhaps you`re the writer who would turn the trend and set it. When I wrote Iluminasi, I don`t write the same thing people already did. In the Fantasteen line, most writers wrote about horror and magics, yet I wrote about historical fiction which involves fact about cults who practice witchcraft. After that, other writers and readers start to talk about satanism and paganism, as I made it the theme in my book. Not only the editor, it it`s published, readers will remember your name and you`re more than a writer, but you`re also a special writer!

5) Make something new and different
Nearly the same with the 4th point. Writing a book with too-common topic and content won`t work in the market. Readers get bored, their needs have been fulfilled by similiar published books, and that`s why publisher decide to publish from other writers who create something different, rare, and new. Why don`t you start making something different? It`s a big chance to be influental. If you want your name to be remembered, blending between a billion of people won`t make it work. Stand out!

So these are the 5 tips of my version, to get approved by publisher. Anyway, there`s the 6th tips. Guess what? Start writing and do your best!

Goodluck :) 


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