Writer`s Block Is Not A Problem Anymore

I was sitting in front of computer and stare right on the screen, where I opened Microsoft Word. It`s one of my writing project, which was an article. The idea of writing it, came from reading a really good book which inspired me to write about the same topic. I enjoyed the proccess, wrote the opening until I should insert some statistics, more creditable and interesting facts, brilliant opinions. That bothered me for I had to think hard, rack my brain and it ended up into a writer`s block. Plus, I wasn`t able to write something interesting.

Bye bye project! For its the obstacle and impediment, I assumed that it`s okay to leave this project. Because if I continue then it`s going to be difficult. I need to do more research to be confident publishing the article, I need to make it reliable and fantastic. Now, I`m talking about a non-fiction thingy. But that`s not only the problem. Although I`m not really feeling this problem, some writers are stucked into a writer`s block while writing a fiction. That`s worse because in a fiction you don`t need to be 'that reliable'. You can use your imagination. But how come writer`s block moment occured to you? 

Well... it`s not impossible. It is just prevalent, no need to wonder. However, writer`s block is not that complicating. You can release yourself from its meshes and continue writing a good manuscript, with just some simple ways. Let me explain to you how it`s gonna work.

Basically, writer`s block is such annoying moment when you don`t have a clue of what sentence are you gonna write next. Sometimes it`s also about not knowing how to describe your mind in an interesting sentence. And to fight it, the point is to get back your idea, creativity and prowess in writing. You need to spend some fleeting times closing the file, shut down your computer, and do these things :

* Do some research
If the reason you get bothered by writer`s block is because you literally do not have ample facts, materials, or you forget something you actually wanted to insert in your article, you don`t have to be in a rush to finish the article. It never helps, though. Instead, take some times to do more researchs. Learn from more sources or recall your old sources. Read more books, watch some videos, do observation, or take some online course, maybe? With broader insight, you will get to make a way better article.

* Find some inspirations
For this point, I tend to focus on you guys who try to write a fiction thingy. Making a fictional story is simple yet intricate. When you tell about something not real, you need to have special skills to make it sounds real. In the other side, writing fiction means you have a full control over the plot. You can write everything you want, that sounds good. But have you ever think about the readers too? Or... are you perplexed, thinking how the editor would love your manuscript? What about not knowing how the plot is gonna continue?

Yes, I found it relatable. But I finally figured out, how to overcome this. I don`t really care about readers, honestly, I just write what I love. Anyway, I still consider about the editor. To make sure I`m submitting the right work, I read some works published by the same publisher, and probably edited by the same editor. Thus, I became familiar to the types of manuscripts they love. 

By the way, making outline before starting a project can prevent writer`s block because you already know the points. It can still happen, anyway. So I usually read the other books, watching some videos, traveling, meeting new people, or do anything which send me inspirations. Weird or creepy experiences can make it awesome, too. Or, you can also go back to point one: research. It works for fictional stories as well. For example, my historical teen novella titled Iluminasi. Most of the contents of the novella basically were taken from studies. To make this approximately 160 pages novella, I read a mound of books, each are not less than 500 pages!

* Take some rest
Yeah, it`s right. Have some deep sleep and forget about the writing topic you are on! You are allowed to move on for a while to some different things. If one day is needed, it`s not even a problem. After that, you will have your mind refreshed. Sometimes, the problem is not because you really have no clue. Perhaps it`s because you feel bored, dozy, tired, and need to refresh. I tried this trick, and it works.

Writer`s block does not frequently hit me lately. But who knows that my children book KKPK Class; The Journalist School was finished after a mega writer`s block problem? Moreover because this book is a requested manuscript by the editor. With some hacks I had, I could eventually have it done. Well, presumably I am interested to moot about this book, soon in another post. I will talk about how I finished this, the publishing proccess, how I seek for idea, and how I got requested to be a writer for this series. 

So yeah, I think I`m done for this article. Hope it be helpful to you guys.

Happy writing!



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